The Department of Anaesthesiology, Pain and Perioperative Medicine looks forward and into newer/emerging techniques that propose to lead improvement in patient management. We have inculcated many advanced technology/aids to bolster routine clinical anaesthesia management including patient safety monitors, specific hemodynamic monitoring, fluid administration, optimization during critical/long surgery (stroke-volume variation), noninvasive cardiac-output management (Lidco-Plus), anesthesia-depth monitoring (Bispectral-Index).
Pain Management Services, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pediatric Surgery, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Transplant Surgery (Liver and Kidney), GI Surgery, Urology, joint Replacement, Plastic & Cosmetic / Faciomaxillary Surgery, ENT / Ophthalmology, Video Laryngoscopy, Obstetrics & Gynecology surgery / Labor Analgesia, Anesthesia outside Operating theater- interventional radiology, neurointervention, vascular intervention, MRI, , CT scan, Endoscopy
Head of the DepartmentMD (Anesthesia), DM (Cardiac Anesthesia)
Sr. ConsultantDA., DNB
Sr. ConsultantDA.,DNB (Anesthesiology)
Jr. ConsultantDA
Sr. ConsultantMD
Sr. ResidentDr.Ch. Shiva | 9384625485 |
Dr. Ummu Guldham | 9791866648 |
Dr.M.Ramya Bhavana | 8374253743 |
1st Year : Rs. 60,900
2nd Year : Rs. 61,600
DNB Co-ordinator